Swainson’s Hawks Nesting at Dyess

Swainson's HawkLast week (end of March) I was out at Dyess AFB monitoring bluebird nest boxes on the golf course when a large dark object in the top of a mesquite tree caught my eye. A Swainson’s Hawk! I got the scope out, attached the camera to it, and took the picture here that you see. As I debated whether to take more pictures, a second hawk flew over to the first and they both started screaming at each other. It looked like the hawk in the tree was getting attacked and then I realized they were mating. The male’s wings were flapping like crazy as he tried to keep his balance on top of her and her wings were flapping as she tried to balance on the tree. I hoped to goodness the camera was still in focus as I snapped another picture. The male hawk flew to another branch, smoked a cigarette, and she preened herself.

Well, this week (first of April) I went looking for the nest and I found it! And I got a few more pictures of the hawks building their nest. I’ll let the pictures finish this story. Click here to see the album.

And of course, I’ll add more updates, so stay tuned…

One response to “Swainson’s Hawks Nesting at Dyess”

  1. Beautiful job, Laura – keep us posted on happenings at the nest; we’ll hope for little Swainson’s. Edna