The Great Kisdadee continues in NE Abilene. It does not say “kis-ka-dee” but utters its call note “kreah.” I heard the bird start calling shortly after sunrise (7:20) but it had stopped calling by 8 a.m. I am still attempting to get pictures.
At Lake Kirby:
Best bird(s) of the day:
- Sora 1 (heard but seen Monday 9-11 by Larry Millar)
- Tricolored Heron, 1 juvenile (also seen Monday by Larry Millar)
- Solitary Sandpiper, 1
- Least Sandpiper, 1
- Greater Yellowlegs, 1
- Willet, 1 (seen Monday by Larry Millar)
- Snowy Egret, 5
- Great Egret, 2
- Harris Hawk, 1, (seen Monday by Larry Millar)
- Yellow-headed Blackbird, 5 (seen by Gary Hunter on Thursday, 9-14)
- Pied-billed Grebe, 1 (fos for Kirby)
- Cooper’s Hawk, 1 (fos for Kirby)
- Green Heron, 2
- Mallard, 4
- Turkey Vulture, 12
- Eurasian Collared-Dove, 1
- Red-winged Blackbird, 30