Here’s what members of BCAS found on Dyess AFB during the Christmas Bird Count. A complete CBC list will be posted next.
- Gadwall, 10
- American Wigeon, 1
- Northern Shoveler, 12
- Green-winged Teal, 8
- Bufflehead, 3
- Wild Turkey, 15
- Northern Bobwhite, 6
- Great Blue Heron, 3
- Northern Harrier, 3
- Red-shouldered Hawk, 1
- Red-tailed Hawk, 6
- American Kestrel, 7
- Killdeer, 4
- Greater Yellowlegs, 2
- Least Sandpiper, 3
- Ring-billed Gull, 19
- Rock Pigeon, 12
- Mourning Dove, 121
- Great-horned Owl, 2
- Belted Kingfisher, 2
- Golden-fronted Woodpecker, 7
- Ladder-backed Woodpecker, 6
- Northern Flicker, 1
- Loggerhead Shrike, 2
- Blue Jay, 3
- American Crow, 3
- Horned Lark, 6
- Black-crested Titmouse, 6
- Bewick’s Wren, 6
- Marsh Wren, 1
- Ruby-crowned Kinglet, 1
- Eastern Bluebird, 43
- American Robin, 33
- Northern Mockingbird, 24
- Curve-billed Thrasher, 4
- European Starling, 97
- Cedar Waxwings, 22
- Yellow-rumped Warbler, 3 (1 Myrtle’s)
- Field Sparrow, 8
- Vesper Sparrow, 12
- Savannah Sparrow, 30
- Song Sparrow, 50
- Lincoln’s Sparrow, 6
- White-crowned Sparrow, 112
- Dark-eyed Junco, 33
- Northern Cardinal, 5
- Pyrrhuloxia, 3
- Red-winged Blackbird, 72
- Meadowlark species, 34
- Great-tailed Grackle, 2
- Brown-headed Cowbird, 1,260: a large flock was flying overhead
- Black bird species, 515
- House Finch, 92
- American Goldfinch, 7
- House Sparrow, 165
Sightings by Amy Packer, Jay Packer, Laura Packer, Kim Walton