Lake Kirby Highlights:
- Blue-winged Teal, FOS
- Ruddy Ducks, lots
- Common Moorhen, 1
- Bonaparte’s Gull, 6
- Snowy Egret, 1
Saturday’s (2-17-2007) Lake Kirby highlights:
- Verdin, 1
- House Wren, 2
- Canyon Towhee, 2
- Swamp Sparrow, 3
Tuesday’s (2-21-2007) Oakwood Trail highlights:
- Red-bellied Woodpecker, 1 in the trees across from the playground
Above sightings by Lorie Black
Dyess AFB Mesquite Grove Golf Course:
- Gadwall, 6
- Mallard, 2
- Northern Soveler, 6
- Bufflehead, 1
- Wild Turkey, 36
- Great Blue Heron, 2
- Northern Harrier, 1
- Killdeer, 4
- Wilson’s Snipe, 1
- Rock Pigeon, 1
- Mourning Dove, 50
- Golden-fronted Woodpecker, 1
- Ladder-backed Woodpecker, 3
- Eastern Phoebe, 2
- Blue Jay, 2
- American Crow, 1
- Black-crested Titmouse, 6
- Bewick’s Wren, 3
- Marsh Wren, 1
- Eastern Bluebird, 5
- American Robin, 9
- Northern Mockingbird, 8
- Eurasian Starling, 5
- Cedar Waxwing, 48
- Chipping Sparrow, 1
- Field Sparrow, 7
- Song Sparrow, 16
- Lincoln’s Sparrow, 1
- White-crowned Sparrow, 5
- Dark-eyed Junco, 1
- Northern Cardinal, 4
- Pyrrhuloxia, 1
- Red-winged Blackbird, 18
- Meadowlark species, 26
- Great-tailed Grackle, 8
- Brown-headed Cowbird, 71
- House Finch, 23
- American Goldfinch, 2
- House Sparrow, 2
All Dyess sightings by LgPacker