Abilene State Park
Best bird(s)
- Wood Ducks between the pool and the picnic area
Complete List:
- Wood Duck: 4
- Wild Turkey: 1
- Great Blue Heron: 1
- Black Vulture: 18
- Red-shouldered Hawk: 1
- Eurasian Collared-Dove: 2
- Mourning Dove: 10
- Ladder-backed Woodpecker: 2
- Downy Woodpecker: 1
- Northern Flicker: 1
- Blue Jay: 10
- Chihuahuan Raven: 2
- Carolina Chickadee: 15
- Black-crested Titmouse: 5
- Red-breasted Nuthatch: 5
- Carolina Wren: 1
- Marsh Wren: 1
- American Robin: 25
- Northern Mockingbird: 1
- European Starling: 5
- Cedar Waxwing: 30
- Yellow-rumped Warbler: 23
- Spotted Towhee: 1
- Chipping Sparrow: 10
- Field Sparrow: 3
- Savannah Sparrow: 1
- White-throated Sparrow: 2
- Northern Cardinal: 7
- Red-winged Blackbird : 3
- House Finch: 5
- Pine Siskin: 19
- American Goldfinch: 10
- House Sparrow: 1
Sightings by Dan Symonds
Lake Fort Phantom
Best bird(s):
- White-faced Ibis and Greater Scaup. Also, all the Wilson’s Snipe (12) were in the same flock, the largest flock of WISN that I have ever seen. Got a few year birds and a number of county birds.
Complete List:
- Mallard: 2
- Northern Shoveler: 50
- Northern Pintail: 10
- Green-winged Teal 80
- Redhead: 24
- Ring-necked Duck: 20
- Greater Scaup: 7
- Bufflehead: 3
- Pied-billed Grebe: 10
- Eared Grebe: 1
- American White Pelican: 1
- Double-crested Cormorant: 150
- Great Blue Heron: 2
- Great Egret: 2
- Snowy Egret: 3
- White-faced Ibis: 5
- Sharp-shinned Hawk: 1
- Red-tailed Hawk: 2
- American Coot: 1200
- Killdeer: 7
- Spotted Sandpiper: 1
- Greater Yellowlegs: 1
- Least Sandpiper: 50
- Wilson’s Snipe: 12
- Bonaparte’s Gull: 1
- Ring-billed Gull: 150
- Forster’s Tern: 1
- Mourning Dove: 6
- Belted Kingfisher: 4
- Northern Flicker: 1
- Loggerhead Shrike: 1
- Bewick’s Wren: 1
- Ruby-crowned Kinglet: 1
- Northern Mockingbird: 6
- Curve-billed Thrasher: 1
- European Starling: 10
- Spotted Towhee: 1
- Field Sparrow: 3
- Vesper Sparrow: 8
- White-crowned Sparrow: 6
- Northern Cardinal: 2
- Red-winged Blackbird: 18
- Great-tailed Grackle: 20
- American Goldfinch: 2
- House Sparrow: 4
Sightings by Cole Wild