We’re taking a break for the summer. No scheduled field trips or programs during June, July, and August. But that doesn’t mean we’ll be sitting on the beach, eating chocolate bonbons and watching the clouds float by. Well…maybe one of us will be sitting on the beach. Even die-hard birders need a break every now and then.
So, come back soon and browse our galleries. We’ll be adding new pictures from time to time and be watching this spot for the time and place of our September meeting. See you in the field or at the beach!
3 responses to “Birding Summer, 2008”
You may claim to spend time lounging on the beach, but I know the binoculars will not be far from your hands! You can’t take a vacation from being a birder.
Hey, I resemble that remark!
Just reporting some happenings at Cedar Gap Farm. We watched the purple martin youngsters learn to fly this week–what fun, now all families have taken off. At this time we are watching 4 young cooper hawks sitting on nest and in near by tree waiting for the parents to bring more food! Just hope it is mice and other rodents and not our little birds. We see and hear the summer tanagers but have not located their nest–but we enjoy their songs. Lots of hatchings—parents are busy collecting suet and insects. Babies we have seen: n.cardinals, titmouse, wrens, e. phoebe, chickadee, lots of house wrens and more.
Have a great summer!