- Mountain Bluebirds
- Lark Buntings
- American Goldfinches
Complete List:
- Gadwall 4
- Ring-necked Duck 8
- Bufflehead 6
- Northern Bobwhite 20
- Pied-billed Grebe 2
- Double-crested Cormorant 51
- Great Blue Heron 4
- Northern Harrier 2
- Sharp-shinned Hawk 2
- Cooper’s Hawk 1
- Red-tailed Hawk 2
- American Kestrel 3
- American Coot 10
- Killdeer 2
- Eurasian Collared-Dove 4
- Mourning Dove 35
- Belted Kingfisher 1
- Golden-fronted Woodpecker 1
- Ladder-backed Woodpecker 3
- Northern Flicker 1
- Eastern Phoebe 2
- Loggerhead Shrike 3
- Bewick’s Wren 1
- Marsh Wren 3
- Eastern Bluebird 6
- Mountain Bluebird 15
- Northern Mockingbird 9
- European Starling 3
- Spotted Towhee 3
- Chipping Sparrow 3
- Field Sparrow 2
- Vesper Sparrow 10
- Lark Bunting 21
- Savannah Sparrow 8
- Song Sparrow 1
- Lincoln’s Sparrow 2
- White-crowned Sparrow 30
- Northern Cardinal 4
- Pyrrhuloxia 6
- Red-winged Blackbird 10
- meadowlark sp. 150
- Common Grackle 5
- Great-tailed Grackle 10
- American Goldfinch 34
- House Sparrow 2
Sightings by Dan Symonds
One response to “November 22, 2008 – Elm Creek Reservoir (Lake Winters)”
Hope someone has birded at Lake Kirby Friday or Sat. There was some sandpipers that we couldn’t identify. Lots of ducks…..We saw 123 Sandhill Cranes at the Waste Water Ponds Sat. It was our first for birding there.
How do you get to Lake Winters? We travel through Winters on our way home.