The long-awaited Painted Bunting patches are now here! They are very handsome and even more striking than the above photo depicts. One will look awesome on your birding vest; two will look stereoscopic on your hat; and three will look ridiculous plastered to your day pack – but who am I to comment on your style of club spirit.
The patches are only $6.00 a piece. If you’d like one, two, or more, please contact us with your name, snail mail address, and how many patches you want. Then send your check (addressed to Big Country Audubon) to:
Big Country Audubon Society
P.O. Box 569
Abilene, Texas 79604
We will get your patches to you as fast as the US Post Office operates, around five to seven working days. If you want your patches yesterday, call me (I’m in the phone book) or our hotline at 325-691-8981 and we can arrange a time for you to come over and pick them up. If you are a patient birder, we will have the patches at our February 5 meeting for your purchase.
Proceeds from these patches will support the Club’s activities and they are a great way to promote our Club. Don’t let them all fly away before you get yours!