Summer Fun 2010

Tuesday May 11, 2010 – Board meeting 7pm at Mez miz Cafe.

Saturday May 29, 2010 – Field Trip to Dyess Air Force Base. Meet at 7:00am at the Dyess Visitors Center. Carpool if possible and RSVP with Dan if you plan to go on this trip. Email – or call the hotline by May 20th, so that vans can be provided on base. Bring water and bug spray. We should see some very good birds out there.

Saturday June 19, 2010 – Field trip to Waste Water Treatment Plant. We will leave from Towne Crier at 7:30 am. Come earlier if you want to buy breakfast. We will carpool. Bring water and bug spray. Target birds: Dickcissel and Black-neck Stilt.

Saturday July 17, 2010 – Field trip to Abilene State Park including Abilene Lake–Meet at Laura’s Blind at 8:00 am; bird, then come back to the blind to work awhile. Contact a friend to car pool from Abilene if you wish. Bring water and bug spray.
