Big Country Audubon Society is a chapter-only membership. This means your dues stay with us and directly supports our success. When the National Audubon Society phased out their dues sharing program, BCAS voted to become a Chapter-Only membership. Your dues help in a variety of ways:

Conservation/Citizen Science Projects: Conduct bird counts twice a year, participate in scheduled work days at the Bird House, and monitor bluebird nest boxes at Oakwood Trails and Dyess AFB.

Field Trips: Arrange local and out of town field trips to educate members and guests on the bird life of the area visited. We welcome and encourage new birders and we make every effort to make sure everyone on our field trips sees each bird that is spotted.

Education: Supply guest speakers for local civic groups to promote an awareness of birds and their natural habitats; build and maintain a bird blind at the Abilene State Park. Answer questions pertaining to bird identification and behavior from the news media and individuals.

Communication: Print and mail newsletter, maintain bird hotline, operate and maintain web site, print new member packets.

Meetings are held on the first Thursday of the month at 7 p.m. at the Rose Park Center, 2625 S. 7th. We do not meet in January, June, July, August, or September. Meetings are free and open to the public.

Please join BCAS and support our projects. Membership levels are:

Student: $10.00
Individual: $20.00
Family: $30.00
Life: $300.00

Please send your check made payable to:

Big Country Audubon Society
P.O. Box 569
Abilene, Texas 79604

One response to “Join BCAS”

  1. How could I contact Big Country Audubon Society ?
    How can I submit a photograph of an unusual bird for assistance in identification ?

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