Best bird(s) of the day:
- Sanderling, 1
- Orchard Oriole, 1
- Spotted Sandpiper, 2
- Yellow Warbler, 2
- Least Sandpiper, 2
- Black Tern, 62
- Forster’s Tern 4
- Long-billed Dowitcher, 5
- Black-necked Stilt, 1
- Greater Yellowlegs, 1
- Wild Turkey, 6
- Common Nighthawk, 2
- Scissor-tailed Flycatcher, 8
- Barn Swallows, 42
- Bank Swallow, 2
- Cliff Swallow, 1
- Ruby-throat Hummingbird, 1
- Killdeer, 3
- American Kestrel, 1
- Eastern Bluebird, 2
- Great-blue Heron, 5
- Snowy Egret, 4
- Greater Egret, 2
- Swainson’s Hawk, 2
- Belted Kingfisher, 1
- Cave Swallow, 5
- Cattle Egret, 50
- Mourning Dove, 50++