Birded along Cedar Creek where the water was deep and best birds by far were the 9 Wood Ducks (7 males, 2 females) clustered together in an early morning swim.
- Eastern Phoebe, 1
- Nashville Warbler, 1
- Common Yellowthroat, 1
- Orange-crowned Warbler, 2
- Great Blue Heron, 1
- Northern Harrier, 1 (female)
- Cooper’s Hawk, 1
- Red-shouldered Hawk, 1
- Wild Turkey, 6
- Belted Kingfisher, 1
- Ladder-backed Woodpecker, 1
- Scissor-tailed Flycatcher, 6
- Swallows (probably Cliff, but flying too high to know for sure) 70 +
- Blue Jay, 8
- Ruby-crowned Kinglet, 1
- American Robin, 5
- Northern Cardinal, 2
- Lincoln’s Sparrow, 1
- Red-winged Blackbird, 9
- House Finch, 6
All sightings by Laura Packer
At Kirby Lake:
- Redhead, 30
- Osprey, 2
Kirby Lake sightings by Lorie Black