Best bird(s) of the morning:
- Great Kiskadee, 1 (heard along the 1700 block of Cedar Crest)
- Winter Wren, 1 (boldly marched …OK, hopped… past me from 3 feet away while cussing …OK, giving his alarm call… and working his way downstream)
- Hermit Thrush, 1 (h)
Complete list:
- Gadwall, 8
- Mallard, 12
- Northern Shoveler, 5
- Ring-necked Duck, 2
- Great Blue Heron, 1
- Red-shouldered Hawk, 1 (h)
- American Kestrel, 1
- Greater Yellowlegs, 1
- Ring-billed Gull, 12 (flying overhead)
- Rock Pigeon, 36
- White-winged Dove, 53
- Mourning Dove, 36
- Belted Kingfisher, 1
- Ladder-backed Woodpecker, 1
- Northern Flicker, 2
- Eastern Phoebe, 1
- Blue Jay, 10
- Black-crested Titmouse, 1
- Carolina Wren, 1
- Winter Wren, 1 (maybe 2, another heard downstream an hour later but could be the same bird)
- Ruby-crowned Kinglet, 6
- Hermit Thrush, 1 (h)
- American Robin, 16
- Northern Mockingbird, 2
- European Starling, 48
- Cedar Waxwing, 24
- Yellow-rumped Warbler, 12
- Spotted Towhee, 3
- Field Sparrow, 1
- Song Sparrow, 5
- Lincoln’s Sparrow, 3
- White-throated Sparrow, 1 (h)
- White-crowned Sparrow, 1 (h)
- Dark-eyed Junco, 60
- Northern Cardinal, 6
- Red-winged Blackbird, close to 100 flying overhead
- House Finch, 36
- American Goldfinch, 25
All sightings by Laura Packer