Here are a few highlights of birds seen from various places:
- White-faced Ibis (6) – Kirby Lake
- Franklin’s Gull – 4 – Lk Fort Phantom Hill
- Common Moorhen – 1 – Kirby Lake
- Yellow-billed Cuckoo 1 – SeaBee Park (my FOS)
- Blue Grosbeak (1 f) W Lake Rd
- Grasshopper Sparrow (3) – SeaBee Park
- Summer Tanager (1) Cedar Gap Farm
- Dickcissel (5) – SeaBee Park
Above sightings by Lorie Black
Waste Water, May 5, 2007:
- Black-bellied Whistling Duck, 2
- Gadwall, 2
- Mallard, 2
- Blue-winged Teal, 24
- Northern Shoveler, 6
- Northern Bobwhite, 2 (h)
- White-faced Ibis, 1
- Mississippi Kite, 1
- Swainson’s Hawk, 1
- Black-necked Stilt, 5
- American Avocet, 10
- Spotted Sandpiper, 1
- Greater Yellowlegs, 3
- Lesser Yellowlegs, 1
- Western Sandpiper, 2
- Wilson’s Phalarope, 50
- Clay-colored Sparrow, 2
- Lark Sparrow, 8
- Grasshopper Sparrow, 1 (h)
- Painted Bunting, 1
- Dickcissel, 10
Waste Water sightings by Kathy Hampton, Laura Packer, Heidi Trudell
- Least Flycatcher, 1 (5-4-2007)
- Bell’s Vireo, 2 (4-30-2007)
- Eastern Kingbird, 1 (5-4-2007)
- Yellow Warbler, 1 (4-30-2007)
- Black and White Warbler, 1 (5-1-2007)
- Northern Waterthrush, 1 (4-30-2007)
- Yellow-breasted Chat, 1 (5-3-2007)
DAFB sightings by Laura Packer