Nelson Park

Great Blue Heron

Nelson Park, located next to the Abilene Zoo on Hwy 36 (South llth) and across from Taylor County Expo Center is another favorite birding place. It has three ponds, several ball parks, two or three playground areas, paved walking/jogging trails, picnic tables, restrooms, and lots of grassy areas for enjoying the great outdoors. Birding is good all year; lots of ducks, gulls, pelicans, and cormorants float in the ponds during winter. The trees bordering the ponds in spring and fall support passerines. Summer residents include the Scissor-taileds, Western Kingbirds, Ash-throated Flycatchers, several species of dove, and Eastern Bluebird. Wintering sparrows can be found in the more native habitat to the east of the park. The jogging trail meanders through this area which also includes a small wetland

In May, l999 a Surf Scoter was found at Nelson Park. Black-bellied Whistling Ducks have also bred in the area. Take a look at more pictures of Nelson Park.


Nelson_Park_Directions.jpg Road Map to Nelson Park

Nelson_Park_Detail.jpg Birding at Nelson Park

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