Another Lake Kirby Adventure
The phone rang late Friday evening; my friend Lorie was looking at Tree Swallows (above) out at Lake Kirby. Friday’s cold front had stalled the migrating swallows and several hundred were flying around barely inches from the water’s surface. Needing my birder’s fix for the day, I grabbed the camera and ran (OK, drove) out […]
Heron Rookery Revisited
John and I revisited the Heron rookery in San Angelo to observe these majestic birds at their rookery. I learned herons have a certain protocol when pair bonding, wooing mates, and gathering nesting material. I also learned where herons nest around Lake Fort Phantom if they don’t have trees to use as nest sites. Talk […]
Spring Awakens
In case you hadn’t noticed, spring is here! Birds that are normally shy and quiet are suddenly noisy and visible as they sit high on their perches singing to announce their territory. This Cactus Wren hopped directly above me and promptly let loose with his famous rattle. As you can see, he inflates his throat […]
Serendipitous March Morning
Six hopeful and one pessimistic birder made another attempt to see the Le Conte’s Sparrow at Dyess AFB Saturday morning. I’m admitting that I was the pessimistic one. After all, I had made numerous trips to the site, each time coming up with nothing. OK, maybe we’ll see the bird but it won’t cooperate for […]
From A to Y, February’s Color in Winter
We don’t think of winter as being particularly colorful. Everything’s mostly shades of brown or gray, drab colors to match our cloudy sunless days. But I was just processing several photos of winter bird species and had to share the beautiful colors of our Big Country birds with you. From the orange in American Kestrel… […]
Buffleheads Fly, Others Shiver
These attractive ducks seemed impervious to our record low of 16 the other morning. John took some excellent photos as you’re about to see while I tried to bury myself in his borrowed thermal blanket. But then the ducks took to the air and I stopped hibernating long enough to capture their flight across the […]
Splish Splash, Fox Sparrow Takin’ a Bath
While birding Fort Griffin State Park with Heidi (awesome birder, transplanted Houstonian, she too has been stuck in mud), we came upon a small puddle of water where the local residents were taking public bathes. But these residents bathe with their finest attire, and one unusually good lookin’ “Winter Texan” (well he came to Texas […]
Territorial Dispute Between Hawk and Owl
While John and I were hunkered down in a very wet, cold ditch at Dyess AFB last Monday morning (January 29th to be exact) waiting for a little stealthy Le Conte’s Sparrow to put in an appearance so its Paparazzi could immortalize it, we noticed hardly anything was stirring or flying about. With ice in […]
Late January Birds
What’s been flying around this week? Birds that like it wet, birds that love mud, and birds that are different. I’m continually amazed at the diversity in our avian world. For each habitat in our world, wet-dry, mountain-valley, desert-forest, lake-sea or swamp-grassland there are beautiful little (or big) feathered creatures that hop, flutter, creep, swim […]
Birds on Ice – January Birds
Winter finally settled over the Big Country in mid-January. Below freezing temperatures, sleet, snow, and continually cloudy dreary days have kept me inside preoccupied with other projects. But I can only go so long without birds in my life. The first above-freezing day I grabbed the binoculars, a friend, and headed out for the day. […]